Bán Trifluoroacetic Acid, Tris(Hydroxymethyl)Aminomethane Hydrochloride, Urea...

Liên hệ

23 Phùng Khắc Khoan, P. Đa Kao, Q.1, Tp. Hcm

8.08260.0100            Trifluoroacetic acid for syn. CF3COOH 100ml

Liên hệ: 0932635553 (Mr. Hùng)

1.08219.0100            Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane hydrochloride, PA C4H11NO3.HCl 100g

1.05458.0500 Tryptic soy agar 500g

8.18710.1000 Urea for synthesis 1kg

1.04936.0500            Potassium chloride, PA KCl 500g

1.05125.1000            Potassium thiocyanate, PA KSCN 250g/1kg


Công ty chúng tôi chuyên cung cấp các hóa chất, vật tư,thiết bị và máy móc cho phòng kiểm nghiệm sinh–hóa, hóa-lý, vi sinh trong nhiều lĩnh vực như dược phẩm, vi sinh, thực phẩm, công nghiệp, môi trường…từ các nhà sản xuất và cung ứng hàng đầu thế giới như: Merck(Đức),  Sigma(Mỹ),  Scharlau(Tây Ban Nha), Fisher(Mỹ), JT Baker(Mỹ), Conda(TBN), Himedia (Ấn Độ), Xilong(TQ)…

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Hãy liên hệ ngay với chúng tôi để nhận được sự phục vụ chu đáo và giá cả hợp lý nhất.

Đ/C: 23 Phùng Khắc Khoan, P. Đa Kao, Q.1, Tp HCM
DĐ:0932635553 (MR.HÙNG). 

email: dinhphan@ne-labs.com.vn

một số sản phẩm khác của Merck:

4.03065.0001            The Merck Index

1.71200.0001            Thiết bị gia nhiệt (Thermoreactor TR 320 Spectroquant)

8.17043.0010            Thimerosal Ph Eur, BP, USP c9h9hgnao2s

1.08170.0050            Thioacetamide, PA CH3CSNH2

1.08170.0250            Thioacetamide, PA CH3CSNH2

1.16761.0500            Thioglycolate medium G for microbiology

1.08190.0500            Thioglycolate broth

1.00700.0100            Thioglycolic acid, PA H2SH2COOH

8.08154.0500            Thionyl chloride socl2; Cl2OS

8.08154.1000            Thionyl chloride for syn.

1.07978.1000            Thiourea

1.07979.0250            Thiourea, PA H2NCSNH2

1.08294.0005            Thorin (octahydrate) indicator c16h11asn2na2o10s2.8H2O

1.08176.0005            Thymol blue

1.08176.0025            Thymol blue C27H30O5S

1.08167.1000            Thymol cryst. Extra pure, Ph, Eur, BP, NF C10H14O

1.59681.0005            Thymol Reag. C10H14O

1.08175.0005            Thymolphthalein indicator C28H30O4

1.08175.0025            Thymolphthalein indicator C28H30O4

1.17239.1000            Timiron Silk Gold

1.17475.1000            Timiron Splendid Red

1.17200.1000            Chất màu : Timiron Starluster MP-115

1.17392.1000            Timiron Starlight Gold

1.17200.9025            Timiron Starluster MP-115

1.17223.1000            Timiron Sun Gold Sparkle MP-29

1.17186.1000            Timiron Super Blue

1.17266.1000            Timiron Diamond Cluster MP-149

1.17217.1000            Timiron Super Gold

1.17294.1000            Timiron Super Silver

1.17201.1000            Timiron Supersheen MP-1001

1.17203.1000            Timiron Supersilk MP-1005

1.07815.0100            Tin (II) chloride dihydrate, PA sncl2x2h2o

1.07815.0250            Tin (II) chloride dihydrate, PA sncl2x2h2o

1.07814.0250            Tin (II) chloride dihydrate, PA (low Hg)

1.07806.0250            Tin granulated

1.01307.0025            Titan yellow (C.I. 19540) C28H19N5Na2O6S4

1.01307.0050            Titan yellow (CI.19540), PA

1.00808.0500            Titanium (IV) oxide tio2

8.08307.0100            Titanium(III) chloride solution about 15%

1.00808.1000            Titanium(IV) oxide tio2

1.88011.1000            Titrant 2 titrant for volumetric Karl Fischer titration with two component reagents 1 ml *9 ca. 2 mg H2O Apura

1.08417.0250            Titriplex II (ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid - EDTA) C10H16N2O8

1.08418.0250            Titriplex III (Ethylenedinitrilo tetraacetic acid, disodium salt dihydrate) C10H14N2Na2O8.2H2O

1.08421.1000            Titriplex III (Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid disodium salt dihydrate) C10H14N2Na2O8.2H2O

1.08446.0001            Titriplex III solution 0,01mol/l C10H14N2Na2O8.2H2O

1.09992.0001            Titriplex III solution 0,1mol/l C10H14N2Na2O8.2H2O

1.08431.1000            Titriplex III solution 0,1mol/l C10H14N2Na2O8.2H2O

1.08418.1000            Titriplex III, PA (EDTA di-sodium salt dihydrate)


1.08418.0100            Titriplex III, PA (EDTA di-sodium salt dihydrate) C10H14N2Na2O8.2H2O

1.08424.0025            Titriplex IV, PA C14H22N2O8.H2O

1.08424.0100            Titriplex IV, PA C14H22N2O8.H2O

1.08420.1000            Titriplex solution B for the determination of alkaline earth metals

1.08426.0100            Titriplex V, PA C14H23N3O10

1.08327.1000            Toluene for liquid chromatography

1.08325.1000            Toluene, PA C7H8

1.08325.2500            Toluene, PA C7H8

1.09613.0100            Toluene-4-sulfonic acid monohydrate (C4H9)4NOH

1.09613.0500            Toluene-4-sulfonic acid monohydrate C7H8O3S . H2O

8.14725.1000            Toluene-4-sulfonic acid monohydrate for syn. C7H8O3S . H2O

8.14725.0100            Toluene-4-sulfonic acid monohydrate for syn. C7H8O3S . H2O

1.15930.0025            Toluidine blue O (CI.52040) for microscopy

1.08047.0001            Total Harness Test Aquamerck 0.1-5.6 od (0.1-7 oe) resp. 1-100mg/l caco3 - 300 tests

8.41032.0025            Trans-1,2-Diaminocyclohexane-N,N,N'',N''-tetracetic acid monohydrate for syn. C14H22N2O8.H2O

1.08216.0010            Trehalose

1.02143.1000            Tri-Calcium phosphate extra pure Ca3(PO4)2

1.00810.1000            Trichloroacetic acid cryst. Extra pure ccl3cooh

8.22342.0250            Trichloroacetic acid for syn. Ccl3cooh

1.00807.1000            Trichloroacetic acid, PA ccl3cooh

1.00807.0100            Trichloroacetic acid, PA ccl3cooh

1.00807.0250            Trichloroacetic acid, PA ccl3cooh

1.08749.1000            Trichloroethane (1,1,1), PA

1.11872.1000            Trichloroethylene c2hcl3; Cl2CCHCl

1.00958.1000            Trichloroethylene extra pure c2hcl3; Cl2CCHCl

1.08440.1000            Trichlorotrifluoroethane (1,1,2), PA

1.08377.2500            Triethanolamine extra pure N(CH2CH2OH)3; C6H15NO3

1.08377.1000            Triethanolamine extra pure (TEA) N(CH2CH2OH)3

8.22341.5000            Triethanolamine for syn. N(CH2CH2OH)3; C6H15NO3

1.08379.1000            Triethanolamine, PA N(CH2CH2OH)3

1.08379.0250            Triethanolamine, PA (TEA) N(CH2CH2OH)3

8.08352.1000            Triethylamine for syn. (C2H5)3N

8.21135.0250            Triethylammonium chloride

8.21135.1000            Triethylammonium chloride

8.08245.1000            Triethylene glycol for syn. HO(CH2CH2O)3H

8.08260.0025            Trifluoroacetic acid for syn. CF3COOH

8.08260.0100            Trifluoroacetic acid for syn. CF3COOH

8.21178.0250            Trimethylammonium chloride for syn. (CH3)3N.hcl

8.14868.0025            Tri-n-octylphosphinoxide C24H51OP

8.21196.0050            Triphenylmethanol

1.05102.1000            Tri-Potassium phosphate trihydrate extra pure K3PO4.3H2O

8.08735.0005            Tripropyltin chloride c9h21clsn; M 208.43

1.02408.0080            Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane volumetric standard, secondary reference material for Acidimetry C14H11NO3; H2NC(CH2OH)3

1.08387.0500            Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane H2NC(CH2OH)3

1.08386.1000            Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Trometamol) Ph Eur, BP, USP C14H11NO3; H2NC(CH2OH)3

1.08219.0100            Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane hydrochloride, PA C4H11NO3.hcl

1.08382.0100            Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane, PA H2NC(CH2OH)3

1.08382.0500            Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane, PA H2NC(CH2OH)3

1.06448.0500            Tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate, PA C6H5Na3O7.2H2O

1.06572.1000            Tri-Sodium phosphate dodecahydrate, PA Na3PO4.12H2O

1.06578.1000            Tri-Sodium phosphate dodecahydrate, PA Na3PO4.12H2O

1.08603.1000            Triton X-100 C33H60O10-5

8.14378.0001            Tropolone for syn. C7H6O2

1.11732.0025            Trypan blue

1.08367.1000            Trypsin (pancreas protease) 200 FIP-U/g

1.08350.0001            Trypsin, crystal for bio.

1.00454.0500            Trypton Soya Yeast extract Agar for detection of Listeria according ISO 11290 for mirobiology

1.00583.0100            Tungstophosphoric acid hydrate, PA H3O40PW12.H2O

1.00659.0025            Tungstosilicic acid hydrate, PA h4o40siw12.H2O

1.00659.0100            Tungstosilicic acid hydrate, PA h4o40siw12.H2O

1.18328.0001            Turbiquant 1500IR/1500T Calibration standard set; 0.02-10-1000 NTU (3 vials)

8.22184.1000            Tween 20 for syn.

8.22184.0500            Tween 20 for syn.

8.22185.0500            Tween 40 for syn.

8.22187.1000            Tween 80 for syn.

8.22187.0500            Tween 80 for syn.

1.08371.0025            Tyrosine C9H11NO3

Bình luận


0932 635 553
Mã số : 9872539
Địa điểm : Hồ Chí Minh
Hình thức : Cần bán
Tình trạng : Hàng mới
Hết hạn : 14/05/2014
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