Môi Trường Nuôi Cấy Vi Sinh Sifin

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9/8 Nguyễn Đăng Giai, Phường Thảo Điền, Quận 2, Tp.hcm

sifin - môi trường nuôi cấy vi sinh vật được sản xuất từ Đức . Sifin với giá cạnh tranh, chất lượng từ Germany sẽ mang tới  cho người sử dụng độ tin cậy cao. Danh mục cung cấp gồm: 

Dehydrated Culture Media
Description CodePackage size
Alkaline Peptone Water with 2% Sodium Chloride TN1294500 g
Azide Glucose Broth TN1103500 g
Bacillus Cereus Agar (Base) TN1245500 g
Baird BrothLiquid Baird-Parker, LBPTN1193500 g
Baird-Parker Agar (Base) TN1104500 g
Bile Chrysoidin Glycerol Agar (Base) GCG AgarTN1133500 g
TN12495 kg
Bile Chrysoidin Glycerol Medium (Base) with MUG TN1237500 g
Bile Esculin Azide AgarBEM, Bile Esculin MediumTN1276500 g
Bile Salt Lactose Agar TN1134500 g
Blood Agar (Base) TN1106500 g
Blood Glucose Agar (Base) TN1107500 g
Brain Heart  Infusion Agar TN1215500 g
Brain Heart  Infusion BrothBHI Broth, Brain Heart Glucose BrothTN1216500 g
Brilliant Green Bile Lactose Broth TN1109500 g
Brilliant Green Bile Lactose Broth with MUG TN1213500 g
Brilliant Green Phenol Red Agar acc. to Edel and KampelmacherBPLS Agar Mod.TN1110500 g
Brilliant Green Phenol Red AgarBPLS Agar acc. to Kauffman ModifiedTN1111500 g
Bromothymol Blue Broth (Base) TN1113500 g
Buffered Nitrate Motility Medium TN1078500 g
Buffered Peptone WaterBPWTN1137500 g
TN12265 kg
Buffered Sodium Chloride Peptone Solution pH 7.0 acc. to EP/USP/JP TN1025500 g
Casein Soy Bean Digest Agar acc. to harm. EP/USP/JPCASO AgarTN1031500 g
TN10335 kg
Casein Soy Bean Digest Broth acc. to harm. EP/USP/JPCASO BrothTN1263500 g
TN12555 kg
CATC Agar (Base)Citrate Azide Tween Carbonate AgarTN1273500 g
China Blue Lactose Agar TN1114500 g
ChroMedium Candida TN1056500 g
ChroMedium ColiformeChromogenic Coliform Agar (CCA)TN1064500 g
Cetrimide Agar acc. to harm. EP/USP/JP TN1024500 g
CLED AgarBrolacin AgarTN1115500 g
Clostridial Differential BrothDRCMTN1116500 g
Colour UTI Agar TN1282100 g
Columbia Agar acc. to harm. EP/USP/JP  TN1191500 g
Columbia Agar BaseColumbia Blood Agar BaseTN1118500 g
Count Agar, Sugar-free acc. to FIL-IDF TN1197500 g
Dermatophytes Agar, modified TN1054500 g
TN10555 kg
Desoxycholate Citrate Agar (DCLS Agar) ModifiedLeifson Agar ModifiedTN1121500 g
TN11225 kg
DEV Gelatin Agar TN1124500 g
DEV Lactose Peptone Broth TN1127500 g
 TN12285 kg
DEV Nutrient Agar TN1128500 g
 TN12485 kg
Double Buffered Peptone WaterPeptone Water Double BufferedTN1243500 g
TN12445 kg
ECD Agar with MUGEscherichia coli Direct AgarTN1235500 g
Endo AgarLactose Fuchsin Sulfite AgarTN1130500 g
Enterobacteriacea Enrichment Broth-Mossel acc. to harm. EP/USP/JP TN1236500 g
Enterococci Selective Agar acc. to Slanetz-BartleyEnterococci AgarTN1132500 g
Eosin Methylene Blue Lactose Saccharose AgarEMB Agar, Levine AgarTN1200500 g
Fraser Broth (Base) TN1257500 g
Fraser Broth Complete TN1035500 g
1/2 Fraser Broth Complete TN1034500 g
Gelatine Lactose Medium TN1079500 g
Glucose Agar TN1086500 g
Glucose BrothDextrose BrothTN1138500 g
Glucose Nutrient Broth TN1140500 g
Glucose Yeast Extract Cysteine Agar (Base) acc. to Beerens TN1139500 g
Gonococci Agar (Base)GC Agar BaseTN1142500 g
GSP Agar (Base)Glutamate Starch Phenol Red Agar, Pseudomonas Aeromonas Agar acc. to KielweinTN1271500 g
HC Agar acc. to Szabo TN1223500 g
HIB Medium (Base)Urea Indole Motility MediumTN1145150 g
Kanamycin Esculin Azide AgarKAA AgarTN1217500 g
Kanamycin Esculin Azide BrothKAA BrothTN1218500 g
King''s Agar (Base) acc. to EN 12780 TN1287100 g
Kligler Iron AgarKIA, Double Sugar Iron Agar acc. to KliglerTN1146500 g
Lactose BrothLactose Monohydrate BrothTN1151500 g
Lactose Peptone Broth TN1238500 g
Lactose TTC Agar with Tergitol-7Tergitol-7 TTC AgarTN1278500 g
Lauryl Sulfate BrothLauryl Sulfate Tryptose Lactose BrothTN1152500 g
Lauryl Sulfate Tryptose Broth with Tryptophan and MUGLST/MUG MediumTN1153500 g
LB AgarLuria-Bertani Agar acc. to MillerTN1048500 g
LB BrothLuria-Bertani Medium acc. to MillerTN1049500 g
Linden-Grain Medium TN106625 kg
Lysine Decarboxylase BrothLDC BrothTN115450 g
Lysine Iron Agar TN1155500 g
MacConkey Agar TN1156500 g
MacConkey Agar No. 2 TN1169500 g
MacConkey Agar acc. to harm. EP/USP/JP TN1075500 g
 TN10745 kg
MacConkey Broth acc. to harm. EP/USP/JP TN1027500 g
Magnesium Chloride Malachite Green Broth acc. to Rappaport-VassiliadisRV MediumTN1157500 g
Malachite-green Broth TN1158500 g
Malonate Phenylalanine Broth TN115950 g
Malt Extract AgarWort Peptone AgarTN1267500 g
Malt Extract Broth with PeptoneMalt Extract Peptone BrothTN1240500 g
Mannitol Salt Agar acc. to harm. EP/USP/JP TN1166500 g
m-CP Agar (Base)Chromogenic Membrane Filtration Clostridium perfringens AgarTN1288500 g
Methyl-red Voges Proskauer BrothMRVPTN1161150 g
Minca Agar, modified TN1040500 g
Modified Scholten''s BrothMSBTN1071500 g
Modified Soybean Casein Digest BrothModified Tryptic Soy Broth, m-TSBTN1041500 g
MRS Agar (Base)Lactobacillus Agar acc. to de Man, Rogosa, SharpeTN1201500 g
MRS Agar (Base) with pH 5.7 TN1068500 g
MRS Broth (Base) TN1205500 g
MSRV Medium BaseModified Semi-Solid Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium BaseTN1272500 g
Mueller Hinton AgarMHATN1162500 g
TN12505 kg
Mueller Hinton BrothMHBTN1163500 g
MYP Agar BaseCereus Selective Agar Base acc. to MosselTN1291500 g
Nutrient Agar I TN1164500 g
 TN11655 kg
Nutrient Agar III TN1168500 g
Nutrient Agar acc. to the German drinking water regulation and Food and Feed Code TN1176500 g
Nutrient Broth TN1171500 g
 TN12515 kg
Nutrient Broth I TN1172500 g
Nutrient Broth II TN1174500 g
Orange Serum Agar TN1207500 g
Orange Serum Broth TN1269500 g
Ornithin Decarboxylase Broth TN120250 g
Oxford Agar (Base) TN1208500 g
Palcam Agar (Base)Palcam Agar acc. to van NettenTN1209500 g
Peptone Saline DiluentMaximum Recovery DiluentTN1147500 g
Plate Count AgarTryptone Glucose Yeast Extract Agar, TGE AgarTN1189500 g
Plate Count Agar with Skimmed MilkTryptone Glucose Yeast Extract Milk AgarTN1190500 g
Potato Dextrose Agar Medium acc. to harm. EP/USP/JP TN1150500 g
Pseudomonas Agar (Base) TN1286500 g
R2A Agar acc. to EP TN1297500 g
Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella Enrichment Broth acc. to harm. EP/USP/JPRVS BrothTN1262500 g
Reinforced Medium for Clostridia acc. to harm. EP/USP/JPRCMTN1167500 g
Rice Extract Agar TN1039500 g
Sabouraud 2%Glucose AgarSabouraud Dextrose AgarTN1178500 g
TN12525 kg
Sabouraud 2%Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar TN1016500 g
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar acc. to harm. EP/USP/JP TN1264500 g
Sabouraud Dextrose Broth acc. to harm. EP/USP/JP TN1047500 g
Sabouraud Glucose Medium with Chloramphenicol TN1015500 g
Schaedler Agar (Base) TN1181500 g
Schaedler Broth TN1203500 g
Selenite Broth TN1225500 g
Selenite Cystine Bouillon TN1183500 g
Simmons Citrate Agar TN1184150 g
Sorbitol MacConkey AgarSMAC AgarTN1220500 g
SS AgarSalmonella Shigella Agar ModifiedTN1221500 g
Synthetic Nutrient Deficient AgarSNATN1017500 g
TBX Chromogen AgarTryptone Bile X Glucuronic AgarTN1192100 g
TN1259500 g
Tetrathionate Broth (Base) acc. to Muller-Kauffmann TN1187500 g
Thioglycolate Medium acc. to EP/USPFluid Thioglycolate MediumTN1188500 g
TN12535 kg
Thioglycolate Medium ModifiedFluid Thioglycolate MediumTN1256500 g
TN12705 kg
Thioglycollate Medium without Indicator TN1023500 g
Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI)TSI AgarTN1129500 g
Tryptic Soy (CASO) Broth IrradiatedSoybean Casein Digest Broth IrradiatedTN1083500 g
TN10815 kg
Tryptone Bile AgarTBATN1260500 g
Tryptone Soy Yeast Extract AgarTSYEATN1036500 g
Tryptophane Pepton WaterTryptophan BrothTN1258100 g
TSC Agar (Base)Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine AgarTN1241500 g
Urea Agar (Base) acc. to Christensen TN1143250 g
Vegetable Soya Broth (for Cold Filtration)Vegetable CASO BrothTN1018500 g
TN10195 kg
Violet Red Bile Glucose AgarVRBD AgarTN1148500 g
Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar acc. to harm. EP/USP/JP TN1042500 g
Violet Red Bile Lactose AgarVRB Agar, VRBL AgarTN 1149500 g
Violet Red Bile Lactose Agar with MUGVRB Agar with MUGTN1265500 g
Water-blue Metachrome-yellow Lactose Agar acc. to Gassner, ModifiedGassner Agar, modifiedTN1194500 g
TN11955 kg
Wort Agar (Base) TN1210500 g
Wort Broth (Base) TN1211500 g
XLD Agar acc. to harm. EP/USP/JPXylose Lysine Deoxycholate AgarTN1170500 g
XLD Agar acc. to ISO 6579Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate AgarTN1196500 g
Yeast Extract Agar TN1290500 g
Yeast Extract Glucose Chloramphenicol AgarYGC AgarTN1144500 g
Yersinia Agar (Base) acc. to SchiemannCINTN1229500 g
Culture Media Supplements  
Bacillus Cereus Selective SupplementPolymyxin B Selective SupplementTN131512 x 1 vial
Campylobacter Growth Supplement TN1304100 g
Campylobacter Selective Supplement TN130212 x 1 vial
Egg Yolk Emulsion TN13164 x 25 ml
Egg Yolk Potassium Tellurite Emulsion TN13104 x 25 ml
FerriOx TN133612 x 1 ml
Fraser Selective Supplement (for 6 x 0.5 l) TN13186 x 2 vials
1/2 Fraser Selective Supplement (for 6 x 2.25 l) TN13196 x 2 vials
Gonococci Growth Supplement TN130712 x 1 vial
Gonococci Selective Supplement TN130612 x 1 vial
m-CP Selective Supplement TN13304 x 3 vials
Minca Supplement TN133412 x 1 vial
Novobiocin Selective Supplement TN132412 x 1 vial
Oxford Selective Supplement with Cycloheximide TN131112 x 1 vial
Palcam Selective Supplement TN131212 x 1 vial
Pseudomonas CN Selective Supplement TN132312 x 1 vial
TSC Selective Supplement TN133312 x 1 vial
Yersinia Selective Supplement TN130112 x 1 vial
Culture media base materials  
Agar for microbiological purpose TN1400500 g
Casein Peptone, pancreatic digestedTryptoneTN1403500 g
Casein Peptone, pancreatic digestedTryptoneTN14075 kg
Glucose for microbiological purpose TN1423500 g
Lactose for microbiology TN1418500 g
Meat Extract TN1410500 g
Meat Peptone, pancreatic digested TN1405500 g
Sodium chloride for microbiological purpose TN14171 kg
Soy Bean Peptone, papainic digested TN1419500 g
Yeast extract for microbiological use TN1404500 g
Culture Media Additives   
Glycerin, water-free TN1424100 ml
Tween 80 TN1422100 ml
Urea Solution, 40% TN130812 x 1 vial
Detection Reagents   
Oxidase Reagent TN151712 x 1 vial

Bình luận


0862 589 665
Mã số : 13696151
Địa điểm : Hồ Chí Minh
Hình thức : Cần bán
Tình trạng : Hàng mới
Hết hạn : 18/09/2016
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