Công Ty Choo Communications Cliemt Satisfaction Questionaaire

Liên hệ

16 Trần Não. P.binh An, Quận 2, Tp.hcm


1. All things considered, what is your overall satisfaction with Choo Communications services?

Very Satisfied                                                                   Not At All Satisfied


2. How satisfied are you with the overall value provided by Choo Communications services relative to the fees paid?

Very Satisfied                                                               Not At All Satisfied


3. Have Choo Communications services been better, the same, or worse than what you have personally experienced in the past?

Much           Better        The Same      Worse       Much Worse          No Past

Better                                                                                                    Experience


4. How likely would you be to use Choo Communications services for a similar engagement in the future?

Very Likely                                                               Not At All Likely


5. How likely would you be to recommend Choo Communications services to another organization or a colleague for a similar engagement?

Very Likely                                                                          Not At All Likely




6. For each of the items listed below, please indicate your level of satisfaction with Choo Communications services. Using a scale of 0 to 10 where 10 is Very Satisfied and 0 is Not At All Satisfied, enter your ratings in the boxes provided.



Engagement team personnel .......................     



Understanding your needs and concerns .....



Responsiveness ...........................................



Understanding your business operations .....

Advice and recommendations provided .......




7. Have you experienced any problems with Choo Communications services over the course of the work that we have provided (if "No" is choosen, please continue on Question No. 11)?

YES          NO


8. Please describe the nature of the problem(s):





9. Has (have) the problem(s) been resolved?

YES                       NO

10. Please rate your level of satisfaction with the resolution of the problem(s) listed above.

Very Satisfied                                                                 Not At All Satisfied


11. For each of the characteristics or actions listed below, please indicate your level of satisfaction with Choo Communications services. Using a scale of 0 to 10 where 10 is Very Satisfied and 0 is Not At All Satisfied, please enter your ratings in the boxes shown.



Knowledge and qualifications of the team ......................................



Held a sufficient number of meetings with you ...............................



Were pro-active and took the initiative when needed  .....................



Designed the proposal in accordance with your requirements ..



Met agreed-upon deadlines .............................................................



Relevancy of advice or recommendations to your marketing  



goals ..........................................................................................

Kept you informed or updated/no surprises ............................


12. What actions can Choo Communications take to improve the quality of the services provided to you?



Bình luận


0837 406 348
Mã số : 6902773
Địa điểm : Hồ Chí Minh
Hình thức : Cho thuê
Tình trạng : Hàng mới
Hết hạn : 15/02/2020
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