Sell Cafe Hạt, Coffee Hạt, Cà Phê Hạt, Bán Cafe Arabica Thuần Chủng, Bán Cà Phê Nguyên Hạt, Bán Cafe Sống, Bán Trà Thái Nguyên, Ô Long Cafe, Cà Phê Chồn, Cafe Trung Nguyên, Cà Phê Trung Nguyên, Cafe

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154 Hoang Quoc Viet

tel: 01232749386                                   email: 

Our mission has always been to save the world from mediocre coffee. Back in  most people thought this was a noble yet hopelessly unachievable task. But every cup of our coffee arabica blend created since then has helped us in our quest. Now we''re the nation''s favourite coffee shop, and yet another step closer to a world where bland, average coffee is consigned to history. Want to find out more? How could you resist?


We still slow-roast our beans in exactly the same way, and even in the same roasters, as hoa did on that momentous morning 10 years ago. And as long as coffee lovers like it that way, we''ll continue to do so.


At Cafeday hanoi we control the whole coffee-making process from start to finish. From the sourcing, right through to storing, blending, roasting, grinding and pouring, no-one else is involved. Obsessive? Maybe, but we think the perfectly crafted end results are more than worth it. Our customers seem to agree.


Cafeday baristas really know their beans. With technical skill, personality and passion for coffee, they have all the right ingredients to make a perfect cup, time after time.

What is roasting?

Roasting is a process during which flavour compounds “hidden” within each green coffee bean is released through a set of chemical reactions. The flavour, acidity, aftertaste and body of coffee are heavily dependent on this process. The roasting process includes the following series of steps:

Beans-absorb-heat stage: green beans are dried to a yellow colour. During the early part of this stage, coffee beans often obtain a humid grassy smell, as water is being removed from the beans. Later, the beans begin to smell like toast or popcorn.

First crack stage: the beans double in size and experience a decrease in weight. This phase often cracks the seeds. Their colour changes to a light-brown, then medium-brown. Changes in the chemical composition of the beans occur during this stage.

Beans-release-heat stage (also called Second crack stage): the sugar in the beans begin to caramelise, creating “coffee oil”.

Roasting degree

There are many different roasting degrees, which lead to the different characteristics of coffee:

Roast degreeCharacteristics
LightLight brown to cinnamon colourLow body and light acidity. The beans are dry. This roast is too light and does not allow the coffee flavour to develop to its full potential.
Medium – LightMedium light brown colour. The acidity brightens and the bean size increases slightly. The bean is still dry.
MediumMedium brown colour. The acidity continues to increase and the beans become more potent. The bean is mostly dry.
Medium – DarkRich brown colour. Very small droplets of oil appear on the surface. The acidity is slowly diminished and bean is most potent. This is the ideal roast for a well blended espresso.
DarkDeep brownish/black colour. The bean has spots of oil or is completely oily. Subtle nuances are diminished. Flavour decreases, while body dominates.
Very DarkBlack surface covered with oil. All subtle nuances are gone, aroma is minor, and body is thin. This roast is characteristic of American espresso.

Do it yourself

Home roasting, as many people say, is not as difficult as you may think. In fact, it could be an intriguing experiment to undertake, and the results are often amazing! You may even roast coffee beans that have a better quality than professionally roasted coffee (the beans are much fresher). So why not try it for yourself?

Perception of taste and quality of coffeeday

Coffee day tend to choose the best raw coffee beans, roast in roasting machine with advanced technology, processes close to the line of pure coffee flavor balanced one, and through experience subtle roasted and tasted coffee day to bring a unique flavor of the product line that only in  Coffeeday. To taste, feel, enjoy coffee, world, business, consumer and at the coffee quality control of finished products, with the following criteria:

Flavor: The overall feel of coffee in the mouth. Sour, sweet, flavor and body found in roasted coffee beans are the elements that make coffee taste in the subjective perception of the drink. Because these receptors flavors blend of harmony and uniformity by the senses, creates a sense of overall flavor of a cup of coffee. The flavor of coffee products shop cafeday- coffee is pure, natural, always bearing distinct refinement that, waking emotions, while enjoying inspiring.

Physical: Physical characteristics of the coffee. It is a clear sense of taste, and sometimes simply referred to as "mouth feel." Perception of physical coffee is the sensation or feeling in your mouth and tongue on your related to the viscosity, heaviness, thickness, or the abundance of oil or the taste of coffee. Physically the texture and consistency, thickness or related to the greasy natural oils in the seeds coffee and pure luxury. For example, when drinking milk, the whole feel of milk in the mouth physically you will not like the feeling when you drink water. When cafeday shop enjoy Coffee, you can not evaluate physical high of coffee products since before the launch, coffee Purio been tested thoroughly so that the pure coffee products are roasted in the roasting regime by appropriate technology that will clean and advanced to a depth to bring the culinary sensation of enjoying coffee connoisseur.

Sweetness: The sweetness comes from natural sugar already present in the beans. When roasted, the majority of caramelized sugar duocc this should contribute to bitter taste, and smell burning brown. Part of the remaining lines create light sweet subtle taste of coffee. The sweetness of the coffee to be felt in the tongue, mild sweetness contained in this brown roasted coffee beans is very important because it is a balance of bitter and sour coffee. Coffee will make the natural sweetness harmonizes with acidity, fat and bitter coffee. When the beans are roasted before the explosion was an overwhelming sour taste, after the second explosion then dominating bitter sweet. By rang rang regime was the most sophisticated programming options ... in the end, cup of coffee in the harmony of it. 

Acidity: Acidity or sourness in coffee, do not mean pH levels mentioned in the book of chemistry at school is not the same as hydrochloric acid or stomach acid. When it comes to acidity in coffee should not be confused with a sour feeling uncomfortable, not specifically about good taste. Acidic, or the acidity of coffee is a desirable characteristic in coffee cool, sour taste is felt by both sides of the tongue. The tomato is the main feature of the Arabica coffee. Current high-end coffee and the world''s most popular.Sour taste in coffee does not play a role as its role as related to the acidity of wine. Acidity in coffee is perceived bitterness mixed with coffee. It also creates a feeling clear, crisp quality coffee. Without sufficient acidity, the coffee will tend to be bland.Therefore, the acid generated a number of fun and especially when we are enjoying coffee, especially the product line of light roasted Arabica   coffeeday shop.

Bitterness: Bitterness is a sense of coffee from the results Trigonelline interaction of the compound in coffee taste with the spikes on the back of the tongue. Trigonelline generated proportional to the temperature and degree of roasting. Bitterness is often darker in proportion of coffee to take place by the caramelization of sugar in coffee beans affected by heat. Bitterness can reduce the acidity in coffee should be inversely proportional to its sour taste in coffee. cafeday program that created different modes roasted coffee product lines are from sour to bitter dark bar a harmonious choice of the most desirable customers.

Fragrance: The aroma of coffee is loaded on the first feeling that you get the coffee. It''s the smell of incense comes from coffee powder Pure rises when coffee powder with water to boil. The aroma is a pervasive sense of smell in the air and come down, interact with the olfactory nerve at the nasal cavity. In a sense, perceive and evaluate the quality of coffee, we need to distinguish the scent flavor. Taste is a synthetic product, is to enjoy a subjective feeling of how the overall acidity, acidity, sweetness, physically mixed with the aroma of coffee when you hydrated in the mouth and swallowed the coffee flowing down to the end of the palate. Con aroma of coffee powder, you are perceived by the olfactory nerve cells in the second position, at the end of the nasal cavity and nasal cavity, where the concentration of receptors on nerve cells odor. Natural aroma of premium coffee products contribute to the discrimination of our tastes. Coffeeday always striving to reach the pinnacle of natural aroma from the coffee beans through the process from raw material selection of premium coffee beans to the processing of roasting, grinding, packaging, preservation best . 

Miss you (or aftertaste) is perceived and nutty flavor of coffee last for some time after you drink a cup of coffee, one cup of coffee is hot. Miss the taste of coffee gives you pure delight and entice you to return to premium coffee and clean. Late shop Coffee coffee taste great! Come and try! Seriously!

>Flavored Coffee

>cafeday Flavored Coffee is a delicious, indulgence, made from 100 percent arabicabeans, natural flavors and a touch of sugar. Each packet gives you a rich, bold, wonderfully balanced cup of flavored coffee you can enjoy wherever you are. 

Without quality coffee, we don''t have a business. cafeday. Over time we''ve built a level of trust with our customers who know that when they purchase a cup or pack of  Coffeeday®, they won''t be disappointed.

Our commitment to quality starts at the green bean selection process where we only work with suppliers having the finest Grade A beans. Our in-house lab tests each sample batch to ensure they meet our exacting standards. And when the main batch arrives, our workers carefully remove any defective beans. After all, it only takes one spoilt bean to ruin a whole batch. Storage is another major concern. Most coffee in Vietnam is not stored in the right conditions and this often leads to mould, which has been shown to have cancer causing agents. Our green beans are kept dry and regularly checked to ensure no moisture buildup.

During the roasting process our master roasters combine the art of experience with the science of time and heat to produce a consistently excellent bean.

Following the bean''s cooling stage, our experts blend the freshly roasted Robusta and Arabica beans to produce our distinct cafeday Coffee® varieties.

Last but not least, packaging. To ensure optimum quality, our packs have a special lining and one way valves to keep pollutants out, and the freshness in.

Coffee products
Clean coffee products, coffee-cafeday shop to provide you with consistent quality. All shipments are testing documents.

Coffee County
If you want to buy clean of roasted coffee, cafeday introduce coffee beans directly from growers.

Coffeeshop provide all kinds of coffee, different floor sizes 15-16 or 16-18 by packing 60kg/bao standards.

Coffee beans Culi

Moka Coffee beans

Arabica coffee beans

Robusta coffee bean ball

Robusta coffee beans

Coffee beans Chery

3. Botanical variety. There are two species of coffee used commercially: Coffea arabicaor arabica coffee, and Coffea canephora, or robusta coffee.  Arabica is high quality. Robusta coffee is nearly always low quality, mass produced in deforested sun coffee monocultures with lots of chemicals, and is used in most supermarket coffees. You won’t see “robusta” on the label, so look for “100% arabica.”

There are also many different cultivars of arabica coffee. “Bourbon” and “typica” are older types that need at least some shade, so seek those out. “Catuai”‘ and “Caturra” are varieties that are often grown as sun coffee.

Learn more about botanical varieties of coffee.

4. Roaster. Buy coffee from a small, specialty roaster. A good roaster develops a relationship with the farms and co-ops that grow their coffee — it’s in everybody’s best interest for the coffee to be grown sustainably. The farmer gains by having a reliable buyer and a safe, healthy environment, and the roaster gains by having a reliable source of quality coffee. A conscientious roaster will have very specific information on the precise origin of each coffee it sells, and you can determine how the coffee was grown to guide your purchase.

My list of recommended providers of sustainable coffee is at the bottom of every page here (click to refresh, there are more than what shows at one time; criteria for inclusion is here), with more on my interactive map of roasters. A list of online retailers that regularly sell Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center Bird-Friendly®-certified coffee is here.

tel: 01232749386                                   email:

154hoangquocviet,hoangsam, hanoi, vietnam

hanoi Shop roasters (coffee, coffee day) provided pure arabica coffee, robusta coffee superior to open shop in Australia, America and Japan (
Coffee beans, roasted whole bean coffee and tea Xinjiang, Sunday tea, tea and streams
Giang, jasmine tea, Thai Nguyen cells long, long wooden boxes Africa, .. with technology
modern processing of Taiwan, Japan, China removed substances
chat acids, bitter in the traditional green tea actually lose sympathy for foreigners (open many stores in Japan, America, Australia sold
Xinjiang tea, delicious raw state, but has received many complaints
guests and tea shops to close, abandon green tea products move
Resources in the menu), the enhanced post, best fragrance with guest gu,
U.S., international
(Roasted whole bean coffee, sell coffee grinders, coffee mink, of raw coffee beans, Illy coffee, ground coffee, coffee cafe Colombia, Coffee mince, sell Brazilian coffee, premium coffee beans, Italia to sell coffee, sell coffee Con
Intelligent China, selling coffee Dalat, land for sale café selling coffee beans, coffee beans sale of raw or sale of raw tea, coffee export, coffee scented bag 24, 60 k, specialty teas: oolong Bao Loc, Lam Dong, rustic European Oolong tea, oolong Taiyuan, Taiwan oolong tea Springs Giang, Yen Bai, tea
shantuyet Ha Giang, Xinjiang premium green tea, black tea prepared to sell foreign exports, domestic sales, sales of tea bags (green tea, black tea) Lipton premium, black tea, Red tea, tea Ta old paint la, and grain moisture 28k/kg price, selling nylon packaging bag, aluminum odorless specialized grocery bag, coffee bag, coffee bag valve high quality of Taiwan tea containers of all kinds, paper bags bag, box, sell high-end coffee grinder, selling nylon bag sealing machine, of robusta coffee, arabica beans exclusively used for the live roasters shop selling professional foreign importers, anise, que yenbai tear production networkspassword, painted walls, painted keva
paint factories of all kinds, fire equipment, cashew nuts of all kinds, good hang nuts, cashew, cashew nut scrumptious, it''s exporting, the bucket,
white pepper, black pepper, pepper skull, black pepper export pepper
packaging for fashion, beauty diversified range of suitable gifts, gifts for family day festival, foreigners Japan, USA, Canada, Taiwan, Korea ...
Tax professionals roasted coffee
Tax professionals grind cafe
coffee bean container preservation professional help, keep your finest coffee beans a long time.
sales performance of purebred
earthenware teapot bowl of colon cafeday 300k premium
* Trademark famous Bat Trang was born 1000 years and developed.
* Product definition combines the traditional elite to use modern features.
* Color of natural red earthenware pottery, glazed pearl inside embossed pattern art branch training and beautifully unique.
* Bat Trang is famous for holding incense and thermal properties of tea for a long time, for the post-fresh water while enjoying tea.
* Product luxury, high-strength crystal structure of land by fine sediment from the Red River, firing ceramics at temperatures 1000 ° C.
* Gloss and color does not change the product during use.
* It''s easy to clean after a long time to use enamel coated inside pearl tea.
* Increased use of post-teas, delicious tea increases forever
According to a legend was recorded on paper in 1671, the goats in the Kaffa (in Ethiopia today) discovered a goat in the flock after eating a tree with white flowers and red fruit has run tireless dancing until midnight. They went to bring this matter to the
monk in a monastery nearby. When one of these goats tasting red fruits which he has confirmed its efficacy. Then the
Monk went to review the region''s grazing herd goats and found a tree with dark green leaves and fruits like cherries. They drank juice from the fruit of prayer and awake talking until late at night. Thus can be seen that the goats because this man has learned the coffee.
It is believed that Kaffa province of Ethiopia is the land of origin of coffee. From the 9th century it was said to plant them here. In the 14th century slave traders who brought coffee from Ethiopia to the Arabian region. But until the mid 15th century became known that roasting coffee beans up and use it to make beverages. Arab region is where the coffee monopoly. Trading Center Coffee Mocha is a port city, also called Mokka, ie Al Mukha city of Yemen today.
How coffee-making traditions of Ethiopia is probably the oldest method. Coffee beans into a pan and roasted to iron, then pearled or the ground in the mortar.Space debris particles that are mixed with sugar in a pot called jebena (an old slim bottles with straps), cooked up and poured a bowl.
Coffee beans from other countries and different regions can be distinguished by differences in flavor, aroma, acidity. The difference in the
not only depend on coffee growing region, but also depends on the
coffee varieties and cooking methods. There are several famous coffee growing regions such as Colombia coffee, Java coffee and Kona coffee.
Coffee seeds is influenced greatly by geographic location, type of coffee,
like coffee, coffee growing areas like tea tree planted in the other tasty in tea growing state resources in Xinjiang, orange trees planted in
This area is fresh tomatoes grown in other regions, coffee grown in different regions have very large differences of so many people buy coffee is
to that most do not meet their tastes as delicious coffee beans are less
which is more bad seeds in addition depends on the roasting degree more
Vietnam market, are common ways of preparing coffee with soy, corn, fire roasted blend together with dozens of additives and flavor
chemical materials for the coffee powder. fillers such as popcorn, coffee, soy beans are roasted to charred very harmful for health consumers
to use. Specifically, if the corn, roasted soybeans being charred, burning smell is absolutely no nutritional value. When the beans are roasted to temperature
high or corn burning will produce toxic variety. In particular, substances such as acrylamide, heterocyclic amines, HCAs ... are substances that can
cause cancer in humans using the production facilities dung.Viec abuse many chemical additives, excessive doses will cause harm
health users. If too many sweeteners can lead to diarrhea. The other additives to be exceeded more than once
cause residual heavy metals, these metals will settle back in the liver, intestines, kidneys and lead to disease in these organs
bet-class cafe (not good), cafe butter mixture, fish sauce, old stock, so long as cheap goods are often sold in supermarkets, grocery stores, coffee shops for cheap, as soluble coffee drinks This is extremely bad, not good, the store does not sell coffee commitment affects the health of consumers.
Arabica coffee is mostly first class moved to Europe, to drink at the bar VIP Coffee shops fragrant natural flavors make excellent espresso
where gu is perfect for tourists (tour) in the country and abroad (professional use for the espresso machine is truly a work of art created by Italy)
Coffee shop of choice (coffee, coffee day) roasted Arabica coffee is the class that is new Arabica varieties grown in Vietnam, Colombia (both
Water is a two-region selection, choosing only 10% of Arabica coffee beans that are grown at altitudes 900 to 1500 m) high quality, multi-
types and the excellent fresh roasted coffee quality to meet very strict requirements and selective in enjoyment.
There are hundreds of coffee to buy. What kind of coffee was chosen very carefully, hundreds of high grade, but only a few types to choose rang. But every year that choice, because soil and climate, every other year,
its quality fertilizer, too, and stores each year are selected to enter the number that cafe for sale enough. Then choose, doing so
should be able to see right from selecting seeds of the coffee shop has very elaborately (coffee shop has organic coffee)
Organic coffee represents a "class" on the cultivation of coffee growers and also shows the level of coffee shops. This coffee is slowly being confirmed as consumer trends, although the price is very high
This type of coffee pure thdo very high quality are produced under a very strict process from planting to final processing, compliance with international regulations.
To the coffee organic standards, ensuring that no soil contamination with inorganic (fertilizers, plant protection drugs ...) due to previous farming causes. Next is the process of growing and caring manner "most natural" (slow-growing tree fruit cafe small but extremely tasty) coffee plantation there before, but very low yields.Organic coffee is not fertilizing, pruning, weeding, watering, but only a few times a year, coffee is not so much to develop the world''s most delicious fruit. Now it is clear that many types of coffee are very popular market, known as organic coffee, a much higher price than coffees grown in industrial policy. 

Bình luận


0837 681 194
Mã số : 4278962
Địa điểm : Hà Nội
Hình thức : Cần bán
Tình trạng : Hàng mới
Hết hạn : 27/02/2012
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