Roasted Coffee Shops Sell Best Arabica Coffee Bean, Taiwan Best Tea, Srilanka Best Tea, Green Tea

Liên hệ


Vietnam Arabica bean

Address Vietnam: 154 hoang sam street, caugiay, Ha noi city, vietnam

Mobil: 01258080921 Email:

( Once you wish to enjoy a cup of Italian style coffee, please don''t forget to come to ( café, coffee day) . Specialties of ( café, coffee day) are more 30 kinds of coffee made under Italian process. Especially, ( café, coffee day)  is viewed as an ideal place for businessmen lunch set 3 courses )

sell coffee Arabica green bean

sell coffee Arabica bean (roasted coffee)

sell o long tea Taiwan( Taiwan best Tea) , grean tea srilanka, black tea srilanka( srilanka best Tea), green tea japan

Welcome to roasted coffee shops ( café, coffee day)

Your Coffee House!


Arabica is a unique offering in the coffee industry. As far as we know, this is the firstcoaching cafe in the country.

You walk in, grab your favourite beverage and something to eat and then find a nice place to relax.

On the wall you might read an anecdote or a metaphore about life and hopefully leave feeling better than when you first came in.

We want you to have a great experience, great service and a great coffee


About Us

( café, coffee day) live in the town and have children attending the local schools. They moved to Hanoi around 8 years ago and have always wanted to bring a more cosmopolitan coffee experience to hanoi.

( café, coffee day) is more used to applying the wall art to his clients as he undertakes business psychology and training, whether that''s profiling teams or individuals for thinking preferences and behaviour, or training communication and rapport skills. If he doesn''t make you feel welcome as soon as you enter the Coffee House, then he isn''t doing his job very well.


( café, coffee day) is also on the Town Council so if you feel you have an opinion about the town, the high street or anything else, feel free to grab hold of him as you enjoy an uncommonly smooth coffee.

 works in the centre of hanoi and will be in the Coffee House on the weekends to help out, provided the children acquiesce.


Thanks for reading this and we hope to see you very soon in your Coffee House. ( café, coffee day)

Coffee Facts - For Fun! Click on the images to read more...

A History of Coffee First: How much do you really know about coffee? Whether it''s the cup you''re drinking now as you read this at home, or the cup you had earlier in Arabica Coffee House. Well, let''s all learn together. It''s interesting to lean where things are from...

Marathon Runners Can Go For Longer: What does coffee do to those people about to run a marathon? If it were me I''d run passed Arabica on my way to the marathon starting line, just to get my fix of uncommonly smooth coffee and then perhaps shave a few minutes off my best time!

It''s All in the Mind: Being of the psychology-persuasive side, I have actually tried this out on my friends and they do behave according to what you tell them rather than what is in the cup. Try it for yourself if you don''t believe me.

Moderation is Key: Surely moderation is true of everything, except perhaps a few choice things. Can you think of one?

Can Coffee Fend Off Diabetes? As more and more research into what we put into our bodies becomes more publicly known, we think it''s going to shock the average person to learn precisely what is good for us and what isn''t. Glad to know coffee is on our side though...

Coffee Keeps Alzheimer''s At Bay? If this is true, I''ll be drinking coffee until the day I hang up my apron for good.

Forgotten Something? Women are inherently better creatures than us men, but why do they have to benefit so much more from the simple act of drinking a cup of coffee? So unfair...

Fascists? No thanks! Well, we knew this all along, but it still makes an interesting read. If you have an opinion on this, why not send us an email and perhaps we''ll get a blog going?

Keep Your Heart Pumping: Four cups of coffee per day would help Arabica with its sales, but probably wouldn''t help you guys with your wallets. What do you think of this research? It''s important to keep our hearts healthy though.

Coffee=Bionic? So ignore everything above this article and just "believe" the coffee is doing you some good. Then by the virtue of the fact you believe it to be doing something for you, it will. We love this philosophy at Arabica!

Good For Your Mood!: Women who drink four cups of coffee a day are less likely to suffer from depression. Click the image to read more!  

It''s Full Of Beans!: Coffee powered car breaks world speed record (and it''s British built!). Click the image for the full article.


Loyalty Should be Rewarded

It''s only fair that if you come in and buy your favourite drink every day, whether it''s a small Americano, medium capuccino or large mochiato, you should be rewarded by the Arabica team ( café, coffee day)for your loyalty to our humble house.

The image on the left if the first incarnation of our loyalty card. Come in, buy your drink and 9 drinks later you get a free one. We say the first incarnation because we are already working on a plastic, more durable version of this card for the following types of customer:

Student & Faculty          Local Business People

High Street Trader        General Public

It will be a plastic card like a credit card which you can keep it in your wallet and show us each time you purchase a drink. So instead of having to collect stamps from us, each transaction will be subject to your specific discount.

And in our opinion, any discount you receive off your favourite beverage should make it just that little bit tastier!

Price/ kg

Arabica bean number one: 25 Usd

Arabica bean:  20usd

O olong Taiwan number one( Taiwan best Tea): 50USD

Black tea bag srilanka number one(srilanka best Tea): 50 USD

Green tea Japan number one( Japan best Tea): 30 USD      

Green tea: 25 USD

Tea O long Taiwan making instruction

Warm up the tea vessels with the boiling water and then pour the boiling water in to the tea and cover the lid for three minutes before serving

Same amount of tea can be prepared by pouring water in to it for 3 to 4 times

Tea vessels are made of clay thus making the tea more flavour

Address Vietnam: 154 hoang sam street, caugiay, Ha noi city, vietnam

Mobil: 01258080921 Email:

Cửa hàng ( café, coffee day) nhận rao Café rang hat ( arabica café bean), trà o olong  tận nơi và chuyển  phát TOàN QUỐC

Trong quá trình vận chuyển hàng bằng EMS cửa hàng hoàn toàn chịu trách nhiệm tới tay người tiêu dùng.

Giao hàng và thu tiền đảm bảo bởi  Ngân hàng Techcombank

A/c số: 103.207.9577.9011 tại ngân hàng techcombank bách khoa(swift:VTCBVNVX) tel: (04)38684919

136 lê thanh nghị, Hai bà trưng, Hanoi( Lưu ý: Miễn phí chuyển tiền cùng hệ thống  ngân hàng Techcombank cả nước)

Chi nhánh Hồ chí minh ( Làm cơ sở phân phối, nhận đặt hàng của khách hàng, đảm bảo an toàn tiền đặt của khách tiêu dùng khu vực miền nam)

k7 bis cư xá nguyễn đình chiểu, đường Lê tự tài, phường 4, quận phú nhuận, Hồ chí minh

Địa chỉ  cửa hàng tại Hà nội: 154 Hoàng sâm street, Hanoi( phân phối gần Hồ Hoàn kiếm, Hồ tây, Cầu giấy, Ngã Tư sở, Hoàng quốc Việt, Chùa Bộc, Hồ Đắc Di, Lê Văn Hưu, Bách Khoa, Đống Đa)

Rang café theo đặt hàng,  yêu cầu khách hàng.

Cà phê Arabica thượng hạng chất lượng cao nhất được rang ngay sau khi khách hàng yêu cầu rang tại Hanoi, đóng túi chân không tiêu chuẩn quốc tế  và chuyển trực tiếp đến ngay khách hàng trên toàn quốc thời gian nhanh nhất để đảm bảo cà phê giữ vị đặc sắc, vị tươi mới.

Tel: 01258080921. Email: YahooID: coffeeday19755



Bình luận


0125 808 0921
Mã số : 3963710
Địa điểm : Bình Dương
Hình thức : Cần bán
Tình trạng : Hàng mới
Hết hạn : 17/12/2020
Loại tin :


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