Thiết Bị Dò Nhiệt Độ Công Nghiệp Pt100 Dòng R120 Wise Vietnam

Liên hệ

602/41E Đường Điện Biên Phủ, Phường 22, Quận Bình Thạnh, Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh

Sheath type thermocouple is filled with inorganic insulating material between the thin wire and the metal sheath, and it shares the same body as one. Inside the thin stainless steel pipe, thermocouple element is located, and then stainless pipe is filled with a MgO. Normally, thermocouple is used with a thermowell. The advantages over protection tube types are it has a faster response time, it has a broader temperature range (-200 ~ 1,600 ℃), longer life, it can be bended to install according to its required installation site condition, a better mechanical strength, and a better internal pressure control.

 Tolerances on temperature reading: Class 1, Class 2 (DIN/IEC584-2, BS/EN60584-2, JIS C1602)
Special, Standard (ASTM E230 E988 ISA-MC96.1)

Bình luận


0855 394 310
Mã số : 15433783
Địa điểm : Toàn quốc
Hình thức : Cần bán
Tình trạng : Hàng mới
Hết hạn : 13/12/2018
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